The Travel Consumer PowerPoint Presentation

The Travel Consumer PowerPoint Presentation

The Travel Consumer PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

On the Trail of the American Traveler

  • According to What’s Changing the Way You Travel Today?, a report from the CMO Council and GeoBranding Center, 46% of travelers trust online travel aggregators (Expedia, etc.) to assist and satisfy them; 32% rely on a travel agent.
  • The same report found leisure travelers travel less because their lives are filled with too many distractions and obligations, they don’t like the crowds or discomforts of travel, they lack the time to book and they are concerned about the dangers of travel.
Green Light

Green Light

Light bulb painted for West Orange Energy Diet, 2007
New York Times Article 

Shawn Whelan, 25, painted windmills, hot air balloons and a hydroelectric dam on his bulb, titled “The Green Light,” which is on display outside the South Mountain arena complex. Mr. Whelan named it not for its Gatsby-esque suggestion of a distant goal, but because to him it represents clean energy as well as the push to get it.

“I don’t know if this art project would start a revolution or anything,” Mr. Whelan said. “But it can plant an idea in someone’s head.”


Solving the Mystery of the Male Consumer

Solving the Mystery of the Male Consumer

Solving the Mystery of the Male Consumer

8 Page PDF

PowerPoint Presentation

Ending Stereotypes

  • The lives of men are changing dramatically – their relationships (especially with women), home life, parenthood and careers. More of them support gender, economic and lifestyle equality and aren’t afraid to appear vulnerable.
  • Their evolving attitudes have resulted in more focus on their health and appearance and how they shop and what they buy. Brands and retailers can’t rely on the old stereotypes to reach and engage with men.
The Internet Today and Tomorrow

The Internet Today and Tomorrow

The Internet Today and Tomorrow

8 Page PDF

PowerPoint Presentation

Essential to Our Humanity?

  • For millennia, air, water, food and shelter have been the essential elements for human existence. Future historians may decide to add the Internet to the list as its reach is on the verge of becoming universal.
  • Humans have only begun to utilize the Internet, much the same as when we were roaming the Earth in animal furs. The future is exciting, scary and barely realized…as it has always been.