Health & Wellness: Fit and Trim and Energized for Growth

by | Feb 13, 2023

8 Page PDF

PowerPoint Presentation

Health and Wellness Are Now Inseparable

  • Once upon a time, there was “health,” well understood by most Americans. “Wellness,” however, was a somewhat vague term not fully understood and seemed to be limited to health spas and retreats and various New Age philosophies and questionable treatments.
  • The pandemic has changed that relationship, elevating wellness on par with health and creating an equal partnership in the minds of millions more Americans and people across the globe. Make no mistake, health & wellness is a global trend, almost a phenomenon.
  • This month’s Special Report from Media Group Online explores this new partnership and its effect not only on consumers and how they spend their money for “health & wellness,” but also the advertising opportunities it is creating for businesses and media.